Personal Connection with the Topic - Valentina Varela Quintero

Personal Connection with the Topic - Valentina Varela Quintero

Honestly? Before Florencia suggested Dark Tourism as the topic for our blog, I have never heard about it. I didn´t knew what was it about until we start reading and looking for information, and it immediately call my attention. 
Personally I think it is a topic must people are afraid of talking about, due to the fact it isn´t so typical and it is really hard to write about death and mythical stuff. 
After few minutes looking in internet about Dark Tourism, we found out that there is a TV series that explains this type of tourism in different parts of the world. It is named ¨Dark Tourist¨ and each chapter explains and shows how this type of tourism is recognized in each continent. In my case, I will be getting deeper into Latinoamerica´s dark tourism, due to the fact I am from Bogotá, Colombia and the first chapter of the series talks about a dark tourism situation taking place in Medellin, Colombia. I am really interested in getting more into this topic eventually and even more in my native country. 


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