Last Blog Post-Valentina Varela Quintero

Resultado de imagen para thanatourismMy personal experience on blogging during this course about Thanatourism and its related topics, helped me to learn how to investigate and write about a topic I do not know and how to connect ideas between what I previously know and what I am learning. As it is a complicated and not common topic, I had to do a lot of investigation about it, look for articles and researches that experts have done and then apply this information to my blog posts for being the most accurate and complete as possible but always writing from my perspective. Due to the fact that our main source of information was a TV series from Netflix called The other Tourism, I also had to learn how to take notes and take out the most important information from a chapter of the show meanwhile I am watching it and the apply this to the task that I was supposed to achieve. I tried to talk a little about my personal opinion in each blog entry, for the readers to know the facts and the documented information, but also learn about the topic from my perspective and what I think about it. I think the most important thing in each task was to answer the question as precise as possible, with researches from experts and facts, but also know how to explain the readers in a way they understand it and get interested in it. In summary, the experience of writing a blog from my whole personal perspective about a topic I have never seen before, was completely enriching and useful for my future career and taught me how to write and express yourself and your thoughts in a platform different from social media.


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