Some of the best work on Dark Tourism field-Rosa María

Over the last 6 months, there has been a good amount of work concerning Dark Tourism. Even though this topic is not talked frequently and touched by many, you can find true gold if you search deep on the web. Some of the best works I have found are:

1. Dark Tourism official website and its last posts on St Helena are really entertaining to read. What i really love about this website is that they offer a "darkometer" that helps people identify, even if it's objective, the best place for dark tourism or lost yourself in a creepy and derelict place. It also recommend you a required time for your trip if you ever think of doing it, costs and additional info. It's really helpful, not only with St. Helena, but with every place that they post.
St. Helena photo by Louis Gersberg.

2. Kat Ferguson and not only one post in specific, but all photographs and storytelling she has done over the last months are really intriguing and amazing. Her instagram account is one of a kind due to her passionate work of capturing abandoned places.
Chapelle des Mortes, France. One of her latest works.
3. Dark Tourist: the inspiration of this blog and definitely one of the best works presented to the world by people passionate about the topic. First released in July 20, 2018 on Netflix, The Dark Tourist has become a must-watch serie.
Dark Tourist starring David Farrier
4. Rebecca Bathory, another photographer and instagrammer, and all her creative pictures have been recognized by many platforms such as Buzzfeed, The Guardian and the Huffington post.

5.This fine introduction to Dark Tourism done by the Duquesne University that help people know more about the topic and have a pretty good idea about it.

6. This video done by Playground, a big website commonly know by their videos and news of interest. Even though, Playground does not focus on Dark Tourism, its video has attracted the attention of many people to the topic. The video is in Spanish.


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